Its coming to an end..

40 days left

My days as a undergraduate student are very quickly coming to an end. I keep getting asked how it feels that I am 40 days away from graduation and I keep giving the same response, I feel relieved. College is one of the best experiences of my life that I would never want to go through again. I know most people wouldn't be saying this, but i'm weird so deal with it. The college atmosphere is amazing, but we've been going to school and dealing with school work our entire lives, enough is enough.

Its time to get ready for the real world and get yourself a real job. I'm fortunate enough to not really have to look for a job because my father owns some businesses and I plan to help manage them once I graduate. But it is very common for people to graduate and not have a job lined up, so doing your research and being patient is very important when it comes to this. Know your worth and don't sell yourself short, you didn't work your butt off in college to sell yourself short in the real world. 

Throwing your cap at graduation may not really be a thing anymore, but you best believe my cap is going to probably get lost somewhere in the ceiling cause of how hard I threw it. I worked my butt off for 4 years, I deserve to throw that hat wherever and how ever hard I want. Graduation is going to be such a memorable moment for not only me, but also my family. When I graduate, I am going to be the first person from my entire family to graduate from a university and let me tell you, it feels amazing. Thank you Bradley. 


  1. How exciting! You're the first in your family with a college degree!? Congrats! I'm a little jealous you're graduating in December. Good for you!

  2. I'm also going to be the first person in my family to get a degree; it's such a unique and amazing feeling ! I'll be walking in December too, so I'll see you there!

  3. I am also the first person from my family that will graduate from a Universty and I agree with you it does feel pretty awesome. I will also see you during graduation in December!!

  4. "College is one of the best experiences of my life that I would never want to go through again." Amen! I'll also be walking in December, so exciting!


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