the dirty house
This is just ridiculous....

Now I knew living with the roommates I chose to live with this semester was going to be tough, but man was I not ready to live in this filth we call home. I had a feeling keeping our house clean was going to be a tough task so I figured it would be a good idea to assign chores to everyone. Assigning chores to everyone is great and all, but this seems to become ineffective when all but one person (me) decides to not do them. This became a trend early in the semester and I felt like the cinderella of the house. It all started with the dishes.

This picture may be from the internet, but I swear this is damn near what our kitchen sink looks like most of the time. It has gotten to the point that i'm not able to make myself food because their is not a single clean pot or pan. I wish this was an exaggeration, but it sadly is not. Our own landlord has told us he questions why he decided to take us on as his tenants. I don't mind cleaning mine or other peoples dishes, but when it becomes an every day thing that's when it becomes a problem. The other big and main issue I have with my roommates relates to the trash.
I don't know if I'm just a strange person who was raised in an unusual manner, but i'm accustomed to taking the trash out when it's starting to get full. That seems to be a pretty logical thought process right? WRONG! Well atleast with my roommates that is definitely not the way the cookie crumbles. I swear it is like a constant competition to see who can stuff the most into the trash before their is no other choice but take it out. Oh and the best part about this is was that 95% of the time, it was me who was taking the trash out. Our entire house could reek like a freshly loaded dumpster truck on hot summer day and my roommates still wouldn't take the trash out.
So moral of the story is think wisely before agreeing to room with someone. They may be the coolest most nice person in the world, but could live like a complete slob. Take it from someone who has experienced this first hand, it is extremely frustrating to live with someone like this. Feeling like you are the parent of the house is not fun. I did not get out of my house and escape from my parents only to move in with other people and become the parent of that house. Thanks, but no thanks.
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