The broken house

Give me me a break....

Image result for unlucky pictures

When my roommates and I first met our landlord, everything seemed a little too good to be true. He was nice, the house was some what well taken care of, he was offering to clean carpets, paint the rooms, all kinds of things. Of course like in most stories, all good things must always come to a tragic end. Let us start by talking about the refrigerator or should I say, the refrigerators.

Image result for bad refrigerator

So the first fridge the house originally came with lasted us about 1 week. It went from doing okay, to not doing anything at all in the span of that time. Called up Steve (our landlord) and told him about the situation. Steve gives us a call back and says, "guys the fridge is done for, but don't worry I will take care of it. You will have a brand new fridge tomorrow morning." That would've been great and all if we actually received a brand new fridge like he had said, but we didn't. The next morning we had a fridge that very well could've been from the late 80's early 90's in our kitchen. To our surprise it worked, but it worked too good, how ironic. Everything in the fridge part was getting frozen and everything in the freezer was room temperature. Needless to say we needed another fridge. Third times the charm cause we finally have another fridge that actually does what it's suppose to do!

Image result for broken toilet

As if a malfunctioning refrigerator wasn't enough, we also have a faulty toilet to go along with it. It is very common for our toilet to not stop running for 2-3 hours consecutively, causing our water bill to shoot through the roof, isn't that just great? But we have nothing to worry about cause Steve (our landlord) said he would, "take care of this" as well. Can't wait to see how this plays out. 

Image result for broken washer

But the absolute cherry on top to all of this is our washing machine breaking down on us. Not only did it break down on us, we have been without a washing machine for 4 days now. I am down to my last 2 pairs of undies then I don't know what I am going to do. But I'm just going to continue being optimistic Jayce. Look on the bright side guys, it only slightly smells like 3 dead bodies are rotting in our basement. Steve is definitely going to get landlord of the year hands down, no competition in sight.


  1. Yeah, it sounds like Steve is a fantastic landlord. I guess it could always be worse

  2. Bahaha, I thought my house was bad I'm so sorry. While the appliances tend to work in my house and my landlord is good about fixing things, even if it takes a week or so sometimes, the house itself is kinda whack. I'm pretty sure our basement could be the home of a serial killer or was used on the set of It, and there are so many confusing things - like switches that don't turn on anything and closets nailed shut. One kitchen doesn't actually have any countertops? (The sink and fridge etc stand alone so my housemates put a table up there as a counter.) Yay college life?

  3. These are definitely reasons why we don't talk a lot about off-campus housing on campus tours! :)


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