The fun has begun
20 credit hours
On average, i believe i took 13-14 credit hours a semester while i've been in college. Not too bad right? Yeah, I agree. But this year something changed. Something unexpected occurred. This is my last semester of college and I need to take every single credit I am missing in order to graduate. Now the question that still exists, how many credit hours am I taking this semester? Guess, go ahead, guess. 15 you say? Nope, you got to aim higher then that, do I hear 17? Nope, but you are getting warmer. 20? Ding ding ding, we have a winner. I am taking 20 credit hours this semester.
Do I feel like I have a lot on my plate? The answer is YES! Do I also think that their is no other choice and it is time to grind like I never have before? The answer is also yes. Although I do have many things on my plate right now, much like this image above, I some how am able to manage it. Now don't get me wrong, their have already been several nights that I just want to drop out, curl into a ball and do a whole bunch of crying, but then I remember how much I have already invested into college, so dropping out is obviously not an option.

My secret for making it through this semester is to remain as optimistic as humanly possible. I know this semester is going to be brutal, I know I am going to have some long days and some even longer night. But the most important thing I know is that anything is possible. I have a difficult task in front of me, but if I focus, manage my time responsibly, and keep my goals aligned, come December, I am going to be walking across that stage with my diploma in hand.
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