I can almost see it
Image result for light at the end of the tunnel

The school year has officially hit the one month mark. My planner is jam packed with all kinds of assignments, quizzes, events, etc. On average, I'm getting about 4 hours of sleep a night. The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight, but not nearly as close as it needs to be. Don't get me wrong, I love Bradley University and everything about college, but I have been here 4 years, it's time for me to pack up my bags and say hello to the real world. Graduation is a little over 2 months away, and I already know the time I have left here is going to go by in the blink of an eye. So i'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride for as long as I can.

Image result for work

Now things are a little bit different. As a college student, we have to learn how to  balance our life with our school work. As an adult, we have to learn how to balance our life with our ACTUAL work.  If I am being honest, i'm very nervous for this transition. Some reasons being, I have been accustomed to my college life style schedule for the past 4 years. I have no idea what to expect when I have an actual work schedule. Yeah college is suppose to prepare us for the real world, but once you are in the real world, things do not always pan out the way we expect them to. I know this is going to be a tough lifestyle change, but it is certainly not something I can not handle. If I have made it this far into college their has got to be something I am doing right.

Image result for finish line

So although these next 2 months are going to be brutal, I know that it's all going to be worth it in the long run. The finish line is strait ahead and its time to finish my last semester of college on a strong note. This semester is not about "partying", I already got my chance to be a freshman in college. My main focus this semester is getting my priorities in order so that I am able and ready to enter the work force.


  1. I totally feel you: I'll be graduating in a couple months as well! The pressure that comes with thinking about my transition out of college life is a lot sometimes, but I'm also so excited about my prospects. For me, the finish line seems so far away right now, but objectively I know it'll be here in the blink of an eye. Here's hoping we both finish our last semester strong! :)

  2. What’s your biggest fear about life upon graduating ?

  3. I totally feel this. Even though I am not graduating in two months I feel myself drowning in school work and am really starting to come to the realization of growing up, which I don't know how I feel about it yet.

  4. I am in the home stretch too! This is my last year, my 5th year and it feels I've been struggling with the schoolwork-life balance for ages. A hope for me is that once I have a 9-5 job it is, hopefully, a 9-5 job. I can't remember a time in my life as a student where I could pare homework and class time down to a 9-5 concern.


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