The planner that saved my life 

My life is completely out of whack as it is, and once the school year starts complete chaos begins.  As a senior in college I like to think I have a pretty good idea of how to survive the school year. But the one thing that truly helped me make it through college these past years is the use of a planner. I know, having a planner sounds like a pretty typical thing, but their is difference between having a planner and actually using it in an effective manner, trust me, I figured that out the hard way. I still remember filling out my planner freshman year. I went to the library, printed out all of my syllabus's, and sat down for 2 hours filling it all in. I had every single test, quiz, assignment, role play, assessment, and meeting marked in my calendar.

The key thing using a planner did for me was it helped me stay on top of all the different things i had coming up. It also allowed for me to be ready and prepared for assignments and tests I had in the coming weeks. Before I started using a planner, I didn't even really have a way to keep track of what I had to do. I would simply go about my day and do what ever it is I thought I had to do. Of course I soon realized that this was very ineffective because I more often than not would forget to do a thing or two. Before using my planner I noticed that I would remember just about everything I had to do in 2 or 3 of my classes, but then i would completely forget about the other ones and not do the assignments. 

Obviously their are multiple benefits to using a planner, but these are some of the ones i feel are most beneficial. First of all, using a planner helps people make more intentional choices. It allows for you to see where you are allocating your time and also allows for you to see what you might be spending too much time on. Using a planner also allows for you to see the big picture. What i mean by that is, obviously as a college student we always have something due or coming up. Having a planner allows for us to manage our time in a way that helps us get our school work done in order to do other outside extracurricular activities. And lastly, school can be overwhelming as it is and if you don't have a way of managing your semester, you can quickly feel like you have way too much on your plate to keep track of. 


  1. I relate to this so much. Both my freshmen and sophomore year I bought a planner, fully expecting to be super prepared and organized throughout the school year. Unfortunately this only lasted for a couple weeks and this led to mass chaos and a lot of last minute assignments. Now I have my life together and there is no better feeling than not falling behind because my planner has my back. Thank god I got organized, finally.


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